Frequently Asked Questions

Get started with a free account here if you do not have one already.

Click Post Free Ad and start filling your Advert details.

A perfect advert is considered to have a proper title, a clear description of what you are selling, the price of the item and images of the item.

Your advert will be published once the moderation process is done.

Upgrade your ads for better visibility using our package deals.
Purchasing packages can be done in 5 easy steps.

  • Go to your seller dashboard and select  buy a subscription from here.
  • Select a package option that suits your business needs.
  • Select the payment method of your choce.
  • Submit your request after which your payment processing will begin.
  • Shortly one of our team members will contact you to verify some additional details and finally we will top up nad update your packages and/or subscriptions.
  • Use these package subscriptions to upgrade your ads and sell more.
  • If you post an ad with the right quality, the ad will go straight live.
  • A proper title, a clear description of what you are selling, the price of the item and images of the item.
  • Approval time for business hours is up to a max of 2 hours and outside working hours up to 8 hours excluding weekends.
  • Once your advert is live, you will receive a notification email from us.
  • If your advert is rejected, you will receive an email from us with the reason why.
  • Please edit your ad and re-submit it for approval.
  • All your adverts will be in your Seller Dashboard.
  • Hahuplus is an online classifieds and does not sell the items on the site.
  • To buy something that you like, you can contact the seller directly in different ways.
  • Use the "Click to reveal phone number" icon if you want to call the seller directly.
  • Use the "Email to seller" option if you want to email the seller.
  • Use the Chat option to open a chat conversation with the user on Hahuplus.

Each advert has a Report Abuse tab. Click on that immediately and indicate the reasons in the comment box as to why you are reporting that particular advert.
We will receive the report and commence action immediately.

You can also send the advert ID on our Facebook page or send an email to or you can simply reach us on any of the numbers at the bottom of the page and someone will respond to the query immediately.

Safety Tips and FAQs

How To Buy A Product?

  • Insist on inspecting the product before buying it
  • Meet the seller in a public place
  • Inquire about delivery before you make your purchase
  • It is safest to contact the seller through the provided Contact Seller section on the ad. This way we have your contact information and can contact you should we track fraudulent behavior.
  • Only make the payment upon receipt of the product

How To Buy A Product?

  • Ensure you upload an accurate image of the item
  • Follow the easy guidelines on how to post an ad
  • Ensure you give an active phone number and email address
  • Beware of spam messages
  • Meet buyers in a safe public place
  • Make sure you receive payment before releasing a product
  • Ensure your phone remains on, in order to receive calls from any potential buyers
  • Check out the product and price – is it reasonable or too good to be true?
  • Are you being asked to pay via unknown payment systems, wire transfer or via upfront payment?
  • Is the seller trying to prove the authenticity without being asked?
  • Is the seller unwilling to answer relevant questions, or not answering his/her phone?
  • Is the seller unwilling to use traceable transport methods?