This document summarizes the performance of various universities in Ethiopia based on the recently released 2024 EHEE results.

Top Performers:

  • Gondar University (1st): 89.35% pass rate – credited to its commitment to quality education.
  • Adama Science and Technology University (2nd): 87.04% pass rate – highlights the success of its technology-focused programs.
  • Bahir Dar University (3rd): 84.7% pass rate – reflects a strong learning environment.

Other Notable Universities:

  • Hawassa University (81%)
  • Mizan Tepi University (81%)
  • Kabridhar University (80.69%)
  • Bonga University (80.6%)
  • Woldya University (80.3%)
  • RC University (79.66%)
  • Jimma University (79.2%)
  • Haramaya University (77.6%)

Universities Needing Improvement:

  • Wolega University (41%): lowest pass rate – suggests a need for reevaluating teaching methods and resources.
  • Mettu University (53%) – also has a low pass rate.

Overall Trend:

Generally strong academic performance across many universities, indicating progress in Ethiopia’s higher education system.

How to Check Results Online:

Additional Tips:

  • Review your results carefully.
  • Contact authorities if you have any questions.
  • Keep a copy of your results for future reference.

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